
*Appears from the mist*
          	Hello people who are still active here!
          	I have returned after a long time of being inactive!
          	I dunno where imma go with this account, or what stuff I'll upload, but I'll eventually figure it out!
          	But its good to be back, and back reading fanfics and other stories!
          	Anyways yeah! Have a good time of day peoples! ^^


*Appears from the mist*
          Hello people who are still active here!
          I have returned after a long time of being inactive!
          I dunno where imma go with this account, or what stuff I'll upload, but I'll eventually figure it out!
          But its good to be back, and back reading fanfics and other stories!
          Anyways yeah! Have a good time of day peoples! ^^


Happy New Year everyone. I'm sorry I haven't been very active lately, I've been in and out of figuring out what I could draw and I haven't drawn anything in a while.
          How has everyone's night been? I've had my fair share of Cherry Whiskey tonight, has anyone else been like me and had cheer with their New Year's cheer? Anyways, have a good New year and New Decade and I'll try try try my best to post something in both my books asap.
          Also, thank you to everyone who has stuck with me over this year, I know I recently stopped playing HQ but I might go back to it (if I'm convinced it's worth it) and might become my usual assholic self towards other players (usually cause they try pick a fight with me). Stay strong my fellow friends and even some people I dunno yet.


Soooooo question for everyone:
          Does anyone want me to make any real stories (so not the art ones)? 
          If you do then say so. 
          Also how is everyone's day? 
          My day was okay, I woke up at around 10 am so I am happy with that.
          Does anyone have any suggestions of what I could try to tradiationally (hand) draw? I need more ideas. 
          Also another question:
          When my book, Art Book, gets to 100 reads, does anyone want to request anything?
          I can draw, some Tranformers, Dragons, Wyverns, Wolves, Cars, Landscapes, some Cats and Wild Cats.
          If you have any characters you'd want to see me draw you can also request that. I don't care for paying to get these so don't ask, "How much will it cost?" Or "Do you want anything in return?". I will not accept payments for any art you request for me to draw. So please don't ask.
          If there are any questions then ask me.
          Have a good rest of your day/night/afternoon.
          Keep reading peoples. 
          ~ Sophy


yay me!
          Back to school today, definatily interesting as such;
          my guy friends decided to try throw 2 bananas onto the school roof, barely succeded, almost got hit with banana mush. 
          then had fun trynna figure out electives/options,  and for semester 1 i have day 1: Outdoor Ed. day 2: Drama then semester 2 i have day 1: Art. day 2: Leadership
          lots of fun this school year xD