
I will be updating the chapters in "More Than Friends", so stay up to date.  More chapters coming soon!


I'd like to announce a change to my book The girl who lives on Rue des etoiles.  I have decided to change the title to something I know will not be a struggle to pronounce, and I also think it will help with telling the story.  The new name is "More Than Friends"  If you haven't started reading it, start reading it now!  I am currently re-writing it and will update it here soon.


So as you all know, I haven't been writing recently.  I am currently getting my life back in order since my car accident two years ago.  After I finally got my settlement, I was able to get a new vehicle and get things in order.  I finished my book "The Girl Who Lives On Rue des étoiles"  the last part stands for Stars Street.  I am writing another story called, "The Boy Who Lives On Rue de la Terre" the last part stands for Earth Street.  That one is in Adelaide's point of view, and will go into detail of my accident.  It will be what I remember from it, and how I felt during that time of my life.  I hope you all enjoy reading it as I continue to write, even if it takes me a while to publish each chapter.


Hey everyone! I finished one of my books! I'm sorry it took so long, but I've had a lot of court stuff going on due to my accident a year ago. I am now working on something that has to do with Vampires, and I hope you all enjoy it. If you've read it, it used to be called Beasts of the 1800s, but I recently changed it to The Vampire Lord: Thirst for Blood. I've been working on it non stop before I start my new job. I'm hoping I can finish it this week. It has many chapters, but only because each chapter is another character POV. Just the POV of the four main characters in the story. I hope you will read it and give me some advice, or tell me what you think of it! Thanks so much!


Alright, so my current story that I've been writing all year is slowly coming along. Chapter 42 won't be published until October 5th. Hopefully I will be able to get a few chapters finished before then so I can publish them every couple of days. I say that because though my mom's birthday is on the 5th, it is also the day my cousin died a year ago. It's going to be hard to write this week, so I apologize in advance. Please bare with me and I will try my best to get these next chapters done.