
To all my followers/Power Rangers fans, 
          	I am still wondering what would be a good symbol for the Pink Legacy Ranger's morpher. She is supposed to be the rookie of the Legacy Rangers and is similar to Tracer in every way. If you have any suggestions, then please let me know.
          	Thanks guys!


To all my followers/Power Rangers fans, 
          I am still wondering what would be a good symbol for the Pink Legacy Ranger's morpher. She is supposed to be the rookie of the Legacy Rangers and is similar to Tracer in every way. If you have any suggestions, then please let me know.
          Thanks guys!


Is anybody reading my stories anymore? Hello? Where is everybody?


Well, I'm glad somebody is. :)


@SonicSpeed123 ❤I'm reading your amazing stories everyday!!❤
            ❤I Love Your Stories!!!❤


Hey! Speed here!
          I have just decided to create a new novel to the legacy of the Power Rangers Sonic Force. It is going to be something similar to Sonic Adventure, and the first chapter's title is this:
          Chapter 1: Strange Things on Angel Island
          I am not sure of how to word how the Master Emerald gets shattered and how Chaos comes to be part of this. If one of you could create a great first chapter for it, I would be so thankful. Here are the rules for that:
          1. From Joshua Brussels' perspective
          2. Must be between 2000 and 3000 words
          3. No swearing
          4. Perfect description of the Chaos creature from Sonic Adventure 1
          Whoever creates the best chapter for me shall become my assistant author. In other words, that person will do most of the asking, and I will do most of the writing.
          Good luck and rock on, people! May the best entry win.


Also, this chapter must include the following paragraphs:
            "Welcome back, my friend. You have accessed my second history log in an attempt to bring back Overwatch, preserved and approved by my two partners Winston and Tracer. As you may know, my name is Joshua Brussels, the Red Sonic Ranger and currently Overwatch member Sonicspeed, and this and another story are the times when the Tech Empire tried to destroy the world with forces that they could not even comprehend.
            It has been about a year since I last wrote to you about how I first fought against the Tech Empire and created the Freedom Fighter Alliance. Life for me has changed dramatically, and everybody knows it. My parents understand that something with me is up, but they have no idea that I am a Power Ranger. School for me has been a struggle. Almost every single day, at any period of the school day from 8 AM to 3:30 PM or 2:30 PM on Fridays, I have to leave immediately when I hear a distress signal that needs my attention.
            Jerrion Samurai, whom we left to guard the Master Emerald, went with it to a new floating island attraction called Angel Island. Something spectacular had happened in one of our final missions, and the island was transported into this world. The Master Emerald had its own shrine there, and its protectors were sworn to guard it around the clock."
            From there, the rest of the chapter is in your hands.
            Once again, good luck, rock on, and may the best entry win!


Hey guys!
          Speed here. I am considering making another novel based on the Power Rangers Sonic Force, and I need some help finding out what it should be like. Here's a vote ballot for you:
          1. Story in which the Rangers face Eggman and defeat him
          2. Story of a reborn Joker
          3. Story of being stuck in an overrun Arkham Asylum
          4. Story of shutting down a second Arkham City
          5. Story similar to Sonic Adventure
          6. Story similar to Sonic Adventure 2
          7. Story in which the Tech Empire is defeated for good (almost at the cost of Joshua Brussels' life)
          If you could help me out by stating your number, that would be great. Most votes that I see for a number wins. I will be sure to keep you all posted on the list.