
Hi! I saw your story on the 'rising' list in Si-fi. Good job. Wondering if you've considered tagging your story #Monsters as well ;-)


I'm not really in a place to give much writing advice, but for me I've found jumping ahead and writing a part of the plot that I think I will get to, a future chapter or dialogue, helps me keep going and figure out how to get there from where I am. I've committed to posting weekly and have several chapters written ahead as drafts, so when I get stuck I look at those and end up finding something to write and it keeps me moving forward.  


@CalmWatersAbernathy ahhh, okay thank you. Also, I hope your enjoying it so far. I'm kinda in a writer's block, so there might not be new chapter in a while.


From Home, I went to Browse, scrolled down to Sci-fi, since that's a genre I like and have started writing in too, then at the top I saw the 'rising' category. Your story caught my eye :-). Hope this helps!