
Hey thank you for being my first voter, hope you liked the story, would appreciate any feedback or improvements you have about it☺️


@_ilovehotcheetos_ I know people for some reason throughout all the seasons only the guys are blamed for the mess ups that happen in the relationship they have with Rory.  I mean Dean was blamed for the first break up, Jess for the wreck( she should have drove the since the car was hers and given to her by Dean and Jess is part of the reason for the second break up), Logan was blamed for her stealing a yacht ( he didn't twist her arm to do it she choose to).  


@_ilovehotcheetos_ thank youu and omg ikr Rory's whole relationship with Logan just annoyed me so much. 


@_ilovehotcheetos_ no problem. I love it so far and always thought that Jess deserved better than Rory.