
This virus crap won't end and I can't catch a break... 
          	I'm getting so tired of life because I can't get it to stop
          	And no one cares


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I’m really sorry you have to go through all this. The pessimistic side of me says it’s pointless to enlighten you with mere words since you’ll continue on going through the ‘shit of life’. Another reason is that I don’t know what to say anymore, you have a strong mindset and higher experience than I do. However the optimistic side is too weak since I never have the ability to help anyone at all, but again, I’m sorry.


This virus crap won't end and I can't catch a break... 
          I'm getting so tired of life because I can't get it to stop
          And no one cares


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I’m really sorry you have to go through all this. The pessimistic side of me says it’s pointless to enlighten you with mere words since you’ll continue on going through the ‘shit of life’. Another reason is that I don’t know what to say anymore, you have a strong mindset and higher experience than I do. However the optimistic side is too weak since I never have the ability to help anyone at all, but again, I’m sorry.


Aside from the disease and a few inconveniences I have this far been ok.
          And then things turned very much so south and once again I am in the cold ice of depression...
          I'm trying to write another chapter of Wildfire but I am so frustrated and angry about life it's hard to type. 
          Feeling ignored; unwanted and definately unloved. 
          The plague is bringing out the worst in everyone; I hope that everyone is doing fine so far. Because I am most definitely not 


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The insanity gets worse and worse by the day... try to stay out of Grocery stores, super markets and other high population places. The panic over Coronavirus is so out of hand that people are killing each other over toilet paper and hand soap... 
          Seriously... TOILET PAPER AND HAND SOAP... 
          Is it really worth killing someone over that? Anyways... stay away from that nonsense and be safe... for the love of God dont get stabbed over TP; it is not a glamorous way to die and it is very VERY humiliating to be killed for shit paper.


No one is going to read this; because everyone is always too busy with their own stories and projects to read anything.
          Instead of feeling depressed and upset all the time; take some action to do something uplifting and maybe stop working on your own works to read someone else's works?
          Take action to solve a problem! Something! Anything! I am getting sick of hearing the sob stories about how everyone's life is falling apart around here! This is a writing server not a depression box!


@StarSapphire37 I have been through suicidal depression before; I hate dealing with drama and feeling unwanted and unloved...


Exactly. (The reason i didn’t read this was because I was sleeping lmao)