
Wouldn't it be cool if Will got powers? If his link to Vecna somehow made his connection to the Upside down so strong that he could manipulate it and possible recieve some of Vecna's powers. IMAGINE. El gets knocked unconscious, everything seems hopeless as Vecna advances on the gang, Will stands up, trying to fiercly protect his friends, he has been suspecting for a while now that something is happening to him as strange occurances keep happening around him. His friends look at him like what are you doing? He is after coming out earlier in the episode so he is already high on emotions and there is a weird energy between him and Mike. He locks eyes with Mike, a tear running down his face, turns, and thrusts out his hand. Vecna goes flying, Will continues to fight and fight. He defeats the enemy, but dies in the process. Everyone is devastated. Will has died a hero. I think this would be a PERFECT ending.


Wouldn't it be cool if Will got powers? If his link to Vecna somehow made his connection to the Upside down so strong that he could manipulate it and possible recieve some of Vecna's powers. IMAGINE. El gets knocked unconscious, everything seems hopeless as Vecna advances on the gang, Will stands up, trying to fiercly protect his friends, he has been suspecting for a while now that something is happening to him as strange occurances keep happening around him. His friends look at him like what are you doing? He is after coming out earlier in the episode so he is already high on emotions and there is a weird energy between him and Mike. He locks eyes with Mike, a tear running down his face, turns, and thrusts out his hand. Vecna goes flying, Will continues to fight and fight. He defeats the enemy, but dies in the process. Everyone is devastated. Will has died a hero. I think this would be a PERFECT ending.


Honestly, the only future marvel project I'm excited to see atm is the next Eternals, I really hope they take the whole Dane/Black Knight thing in a good direction (I mean a super evil Dane bringing emotional torture to the Eternals and lots of crying and him switching between personalities whilst generally wreaking havoc :), idk though tbh MCU is falling apart a little bit after Endgame brought an end to the Infinity Saga.


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Ok, I watched Thor Love and Thunder for the second time and..... to be honest, it's not great. The whole start bit with the Guardians was hard to watch, plot was all over the place and the movie didn't make great character arcs or development. There were even some plotholes, like the fact that Korg has two dads, I loved this detail and I thought it was amazing, but in Thor Ragnarok Korg famously says that the only two people who came to his revolution were his mum, and her boyfriend, who he hates. 
          I honestly think that Marvel are just stumbling around on what to do now that the whole Thanos build up is over, you'd think that million dollar budget movies would be able to scrape a good script together, but no. I'm sorry Marvel, I will try and stay loyal, but you need to get your shit together.


In the space of one week I have seen Thor love and Thunder, Top Gun Maverick and Jurassic World Dominion. AND THEY ARE ALL AMAZING!!!! I do feel like Jurassic World didn't completely live up to my expectations but it was still good. I was honestly not expecting Top Gun to be so amazing but it was. And Thor....... wow...... Taika Waititi you've done it again


wow I changed my tune so fast after watching Thor a second time, tbh the soundtrack got me the first time


Yeah it was pretty chaotic, but the other ones are rlly good, my personal favourites are the first Jurassic park and the first Jurassic world, idk they do beginning movies well.


I watched Jurassic World Dominion twice, and it was my first Jurassic movie, but it was kinda all over the place 


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion, but I hate the maps at the start of books. They just distract me so much and I prefer to imagine the geography myself. Idk, anyone else?


            Personally, I like them because I have a hard time remembering where is where. Remembering how I imagine people's looks is one. thing. Remembering how distant one place and the other is is a whole other. And helps me get a good sense of how far they travel to get to not only their literal destination, but their figurative  destination.


Also, it's really cool that you have a map in the 'series that cannot be named' none of the versions I have at home have a map like that, I'll have to search up what it looks like.


lmao it's fine, it's interesting to see your perspective. Yes, maps can be helpful but I often find that they are much too detailed, especially in fantasy books. I don't mind a simplistic ones that let me grasp the vastness of the world but it often distracts me when there are elaborate drawings of every tree in the area. I find that maps in murder mystery books that take place in one building are fantastic, as you get a view of the crime scene to help you solve how the murderer did it. I don't know, I have very mixed opinions on maps.