
Anyone else just casually get logged out of their account suddenly? Anyways, guess who is back.


Expanding my fandoms in writing so I don't get bored and lose motivation over Wenclair <333 (I am losing my mind, send help)


@Soggy_ChickenNuggies you got this just believe in your self and take some breaks too so you won't be exhausted and tired!


Gotta ignore the fact I've been dead for a long time.
          Anyways, I don't know when I'll be able to post a new chapter of Cotton Candy Death because every single day, I only get a 4 hour break. Which I can't spend on writing because I need those 4 hours to rest after working my ass of for 20 hours. So for the people who complained about my original posting schedule about 1 chapter a week, how about MAYBE 1 chapter every few months or more? I'm really tired. I love all of my readers so dearly but some of them have been nagging me. A LOT. And again, as an under 16 writer who needs to work and do school, I can't do it anymore now that I need to focus on my life even more now. I'm deeply sorry.


I'm debating on the fate of my fanfic AU 'Cotton Candy Death' because I'm kinda struggling on focusing on it. I have really random mood swings and changes in hyper fixations so I might just write oneshots instead. I'm not 100% sure yet but rn I'll just post oneshots and do them instead while I debate. Either way, the story won't be deleted or discontinued. Just less updated and focused on :'))


@ Soggy_ChickenNuggies  it's ok :) I understand that, I'm exactly like that lol 