
Okay questions for my followers 
          	Question 1: 
          	Should I start a new book (about Gorou from Genshin) and continue New Recruit.
          	Question 2: finish all my books so there done and over with and write more on ao3 


Wow a lot of updates today anyways…
          I’ll be updating my Valorant OC story with what happened the next day after the mission and Yara will be meeting Iso in not the be way ever, Gekko and Iso got into a fight (don’t come at me I don’t know his lore and relationships with the other agents if he is good friends with Gekko tell me someone he is not friends with please I have left the Valorant fandom and have no idea what’s happening and who is Clove how long have they been out for?)


I’m working on two new stories!
          One is about my Oc, Takeshi, and how he celebrated Lantern rite without his sister and how he found a lover, Gaming. Pls tell me if you want the first chapter so if I should just scarp it all together.
          The second one is in my head not on a note in my phone yet I still have to think it through so I’ll update you guys on it


this message may be offensive
New year imma reintroduce myself.
          Hi im Chloe, let’s say the basics,
          I have 6 Budgies (Cream, Budg, Carso, Kirro, Phoenix and Nahida)
          I live with 4 cats (Grafield, Hunter, Alfie and Simba)
          I live with my parents
          I’m a year 9 student ( I’m not a straight A student)
          I’m Gay️‍ (Lesbian)
          Single as fuck
          I like Genshin Impact, Tlou, Writing books, Drawing, Streaming, watching tt, making edit and other stuff
          I have Social anxiety, Depression, Dyslexia, I’m blind as a bat,
          My books will be want I am interested in at the moment it will not the the same type of fandom that will change a lot
          Some books I start I won’t be able to finish as the lore of the characters have left my mind and ill never be able to finish the book.
          In Genshin I’m a Xianyun main (yes ik she just came out but ehh she is lvl 90 and triple crowned) my UID is 648840299
          I’m Dutch! And Aussie!
          Anyways THANKS!! Bye have a good day/night


          Okay as I have my school laptop at my house now (which it’s touch screen hehe) imma start to write something interesting, you you guys remember how I was going to write a book about Aether x Xiao yeah well change of plans it’s now Xiao x Venti because I has amazing idea.
          Okay hear me out, years into the past where traveler was fighting the unknown god in teyvat and people where dying the archons and adepti where helping but most got hit pretty hard, Clpud Retainer and Moon Carver got hit badly so Mountain Shaper took them back to Cloud Retainers abode to heal them, she had not let Ganyu and Shenhe into the fight so they helped the other, which left Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Nahdia and Xiao, the fight was going amazingly they where hitting and killing her, when her last strike was at Xiao, which led to his death, Venti held Xiao close to him in his dying breaths, feeling his heart beat slow down, his karma was all around the couple, as Ventis tears left his cheeck….
          1000 years later.
          Venti the Anemo is in school learning about himself well not when the teacher said they where going to start learning about the Yaksha, Ventis head dropped, but before that a new student had to be introduced, when the kid spoke Ventis head shot up in excitement
          And cliff hanger
          Already have a good day/night pls while I’m at school tell me how you like that idea


okay i'm going to start thst Lynette high school au, but one question for you guys who do you ship Lynette with, and for goodness sake do not say Lyney pls, any whoo i'll start the story as she is going to a new school and their 'father' is dropping them off ( them im saying both Lynette and Lyney) and they like go into their new class and all, idk who Lynette's first friend will be it will be kinda slow with her making friends as she is quite on the archon quests she will really just hang out with Lyney for the first couple chapters then he will make friends and she will go off and i guess Furina could be her friend in a high school au just guessing for now i will figure it ou- maybe Lumine as well and Aether can be Lyney's friend yeah Lumine will be her first friend then Furina.
          if you have any suggestions say so anyways thats it i'll start writing it.
          have a good day/night!!


Okay here me out,
          I’ve been streaming genshin over on twitch( if your interested ) and I just loved! Xiao,Kaeya and Lynette to the fact is my Kaeya and Lynette are at lvl 80 and I can’t do my ascension quest to get passed ar 45, continuing would you like me to start three books on all of those characters like idk, Xiao x Aether, Kaeya x Albedo or Lynette high school au or all of them if so pls say so cause I want to start new books a long side ‘New Recruit’ (which there is a new chapter out), so pls say yes and if you have any suggestions on Genshin books I can do in these characters pls say so.
          Anyways bye have a good day/night


k y,all know what time it is IMMA REINTRODUCE MYSELF 
          my name is Chloe im 15!!!!!!!
          i have 5 budgies (Cream,Budg,Kirro,Caruso and Phoenix)
          i love Valorant, tlou, tiktok, my friends and family, writing, gaming, music
          i hate social anxiety, rude people, rcta
          i am a year 8 student
          i am a girl
          i am mainly one Valorant or tlou
          i main Fade in Valorant (User: SoggyDonunt#ABF




@SoggyDonut208 YAYYYYYY XDDD I can add you when I get home from work! New frienddddddd


Okay so I thought of starting a new book called cursed lifted and is about how Payakan was born with a curse where one day he’ll become a Na’vi and the next time Lo’ak comes to find him he’s not there because he’s  Na’vi because the curse has been lifted