
Please help me with of some more groups for quest. Only five groups of seven can still fit. Or 35 free spaces. Please help i can't decide on my own


Omega X, Evnne, Zerobaseone


Please help me with of some more groups for quest. Only five groups of seven can still fit. Or 35 free spaces. Please help i can't decide on my own


Omega X, Evnne, Zerobaseone


i bet SF9's Inseong had the time of his life with his april fools joke


@Advicetaeminnie he said he changed his name to Junghoon and everyone thought it was real untill he posted a link to an sf9 video and at the end he said: 'just kidding, Inseong forever'


Some people might find me childish but i will make a Octonauts oneshot book. I will make kpop crossovers and stuff. 
          I know it might be childish to watch a child show but it's my comfort. Maybe no one will read it but I'll post it for my own head
          Thank you for listening to my rant


Put a finger down if you were so excited to go to the P1HARMONY concert in oberhausen that you were nervous for weeks and even at carefarm today you were buzing with excitement and nerves, had a very long drive for your home town to oberhausen with P1HARMONY playing the whole time, getting super close and even more nervous now to get there for the people of the event to tell you they just got told like an hour ago that Jiung and Theo got sick and the German health inspection would not let them perform 
          *Puts a finger down while smiling through tears*