
Just uploaded new part for look what you made me do. Hope you like it


Hope everyone is doing good. I’m going to be writing and uploading new parts this weekend for Chris Evans: Fine print. Also a few new parts for look what you made me do. Have a three day weekend so can’t wait to get some work done on here 


Happy New year everyone. Just uploaded new part for Chris Evans: fine print. There is some smut it in so just heads up. Hope you like it and I get some more up now that busy time at work is done and it’s slower now. 


Just found your stories and finished book 1 and 2 of Deception (what a cliff hanger). I usually don’t read stories that aren’t complete but I’m going to take a leap of faith here.  I’m going to start Fine Print which I know isn’t finished but I hope after that’s done you’ll go back to Deception.  Anyway-love your works-and just know life comes first-do what you love-we can wait.


Omg thank you for the compliment. Ya i will be going back to book 3 soon just been super busy working a lot at store i help run. Xmas time is crazy busy in retail. Thank you so much as i second guess everything especially my writing so it means a lot to here you like the stories 