
I need to stop getting all here ideas and inspiration for books like I’m trying to write a Riverdale book which is still in my drafts because I want to write pre chapters like always but now I’ve started writing a PLL book like and both shows are so long


@dreammaster6 so far I’m writing the original pll and it’s mainly my own ocs so like oc x oc and the mains are gxg and I chose none other that Madeleine Petsch and Vanessa Morgan to portray them. Dylan Obrien is included too with Mimi Keene and Dianna Agron. 


@SnixxFabgay cool that it always goes orginal pll or orginal sin male oc or female  and who love intertest  also If you pll you like an oc of mine got turn into a story  and it doing  really well 


I need to stop getting all here ideas and inspiration for books like I’m trying to write a Riverdale book which is still in my drafts because I want to write pre chapters like always but now I’ve started writing a PLL book like and both shows are so long


@dreammaster6 so far I’m writing the original pll and it’s mainly my own ocs so like oc x oc and the mains are gxg and I chose none other that Madeleine Petsch and Vanessa Morgan to portray them. Dylan Obrien is included too with Mimi Keene and Dianna Agron. 


@SnixxFabgay cool that it always goes orginal pll or orginal sin male oc or female  and who love intertest  also If you pll you like an oc of mine got turn into a story  and it doing  really well 


I hate that I thought things were changing. I had been forced to come out in front of a whole hall during my exams when I was just 14 because of a crush I had on a girl. I’d finally come to terms with who I was and that i was attracted to girls the way I should’ve been attracted to boys but wasn’t. I thought people who were my friends supported me for who I was and didn’t care but recently it looks to be the opposite. The past year I’ve tried to let it slip but I can’t find myself to do that anymore. I’ve been forced back into the closet and claimed it was just a phase I was going through since I’m just a teenager and was just experimenting. The things people have said to me for being gay really hit hard. I just finished an episode on S7 Riverdale but felt butterflies in my stomach and shivers after I seen Cheryl and Toni kissing in the locker rooms and it makes myself wonder if it’s normal to feel that way? Should I be feeling butterflies and shivers when I see one of my favourite couples kissing? Maybe I am going through a phase and I am just straight. I don’t know who I am anymore and it hurts to not know. My friends telling me why can’t I just be like them and like boys? Why do I always talk about girls? Am I really into girls because I haven’t been seen with one or being in a proper relationship with one. I feel ashamed of who I am. This app is the only place I feel safe but I feel guilty and wrong for feeling the way I do about girls rather than boys. I tried telling myself and my friends that I was into both boys and girls so it would at least seem a little normal and I even started texting boys in a relationship way but it doesn’t make me feel anything. I lie about who I am because I feel ashamed. Maybe it is a phase for me but all I know is that I feel guilty, ashamed and don’t know who I am :/


@mayasbitxh thank you it means so much to me for you to say that <33


@SnixxFabgay there is absolutely nothing wrong with who you are. i had the same struggles accepting myself when i found out that i like girls, but seeing female characters that i love going through the same thing and having their own coming out scenes (cheryl, santana, robin buckley, etc) really helped me to love that part of myself. i know it's hard, but there are so many people out there, myself included, who will accept that part of you because it makes you who you are. you are not wrong for feeling this way. your feelings are 100% valid and your friends are (no offense) the worst people on the planet for making you think otherwise. every sexuality is valid, but most importantly, YOU are valid no matter what anybody else says <33


These Riverdale pre chapters take so long to write but I’m not giving up because I swore to myself I would write this book and hell I’m not going to have hours I’ve spent wasted. They just take soooo long (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞


@dreammaster6 it’s a maleoc x Femoc but there’s plenty more of Choni since they deserved more screen time. I decided to just go with my own two characters as love interests based off a dream I had and rather than focusing on just one storyline in Riverdale, My ocs will have their own so it shows their character more if that makes sense


@SnixxFabgay a riverdale story cool but need details  a male or female oc and who is the love  intertest 


Am I the only one who genuinely just wanted Drea and Eleanor to get together in Do Revenge but Drea and Russ were like so cute at the same time


@murda_on_da_beet sameeeeee I ain’t gonna lie tho but Tara, Meghan and Montana could totally have it too. I mean, I know they were kind of bitches after what happened with Drea and Max and weren’t good friends to her but they came around in the end. Montana no word of a lie was lowkey my favourite tho…


@SnixxFabgay yessssssss so real , I wanted Elenor so bad tho.


@mayasbitxh ikkkkkkk honestly the movie was sooo good and I can’t believe I didn’t notice it until now like it’s been out 2 years and I never noticed and it was actually so funny too but genuinely a great plot twist 


Although I LOVE Riverdale but Archie on his own and facing against the ghoulies for a fight because he found out he’s basically invincible always makes me laugh because he just looks so dumb and cringes me out.


@SnixxFabgay have you seen robertos new show?


@Denial48 I just am watching it now for Cheryl and because of her development. After S7 came out I hadn’t watch Riverdale in so long and had stopped watching it but I watched it again just for Choni and ig I fell in love with the show despite the crazy ass turns they made that made no sense. Riverdale was like my comfort show during lockdown so maybe that’s why I have so much love for it cause it got me through sm 


@SnixxFabgay honestly i gave up with show and then rewatched to give it a chance that time wasted after like season 3/4


I’m so mad that we never got to see if Cheryl and Toni ended up together in their own time. Like ik they ended up together in the 50s but the whole point of Cheryl’s development was to fix her family and ancestors problems and doings so she could be ridded of the blossom curse she thought she had. Cheryl spent years redoing her family’s wrongs into rights the best she could and she broke up with Toni so she wouldn’t get between her and her nana. And then we don’t even know if they end up together in their OWN time. If they were truly meant to be together in THEIR time.
          Idk I can be confusing when explaining things soz. 


@liambrown7794 I do also have a pll sin fic in my drafts too but I’m going to focus on the Riverdale fic for now first 


@SnixxFabgay sounds cool! Most gave up because Riverdale got too wild. Any chance of a Pll sin fic?


@liambrown7794 I actually do have a Riverdale fic in my drafts. It’s an oc x oc one but Cheryl take a main focus to my main ocs character so I plan to do a lot of Choni. Idk when the book will be published since I want to write some pre chapters first and I want to take my time writing it without having to rush chapters just to get one published for the sake of a chapter being published 


Istg Wattpad keeps logging me out whenever I close the app and I have to log back in and wait for everything to set back up like what am I supposed to do because it’s quite annoying having to log back in every hour and having to wait 


@MoonyXTTPD24 honestly there’s never a day where it doesn’t happen like whatever is happening needs to be sorted out 


@SnixxFabgay it's been happening to me starting to get on my nerves 