
          	I've decided that I'm going to just keep my fanfic at 200 chapters as I'm not really enjoying it as much anymore. Not to mention it isn't as popular anymore so unless something drastically happens I don't think I'll continue it. Thank you for all the support ^_^


@kikuthekiller thanks bro, I'll always be commenting and lurking around…always lurking around ;)


@keybladeking aw :0 I'll check your story out! ^_^ thanks for being inspired by me and thanks for the laughs aha :D


Well Raoeey as much as I want to go jump off a building like stupid misa did at the end of death note because you're done with your story, I want you to check out mine. It was inspired by you. Thank you for the laughs


@ZainabRao Hey. Not sure if you're still there, but I wanted to give you an update. I'm ending What Happens When Fanboys and Death Note Mix in a couple of months. I'm running out of ideas and readers, so once I reach 200 chapters, i'm going to start the final adventure and wrap it all up. I just wanted to say thank you one more time. So, Raoeey, thank you for all the inspiration. *Hugs Raoeey* 


@Keybladeking ayeee thats so cool who knows maybe one day we'll collab lmao


You want to be a writer? Me too! I start college in the fall so I'm going to be pursuing creative writing and all that because I want to be a screenwriter in the film industry.


@Keybladeking wowowow kermit switching bodies w shaggy is something i did not expect to read lmao I look forward to reading it! And omfg I csnt believe you're still writing the death note series thats dedication wow im actually back because Kiku (idk if she still uses that pseudonym) randomly messages me on here as a joke, which triggered my email and then triggered my nostalgia. Ive decided i need to get back into writing! Probably something more serious/original (or maybe a comedy if anyone is willing to force laugh through it) just bc i want to pursue writing as a career and therefore need to improve as a writer -other than a one shot about a man becoming sexually attracted to a vase (which i used for my gcses lmao) i havent done much writing oops but yeah lifes been interesting, have had ups and downs but im back here ready to embrace my creative side once more :D


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@ZainabRao Also are you sure? Because I have some really good ideas for it
          1. Force L to marry you 
          2. More Lawlight jokes
          3. Something having to do with Sesame Street
          4. Stuck in Sword Art Online without L anywhere in sight
          5. More Why Light is A dumbass
          6. Why your Lawlipops ISNT a dumbass
          Please keep it up Raoeey this is the best fanfic I have ever read no joke 


Thanks!  I might have you in a chapter of my story too!


@Keybladeking okay :) I'll write you in one as soon as I can :)


Awesome! Can I be in a chapter? 