
Hey, I know I'm not really active here anymore but I wanted to post this here in case anyone was interested:
          	Above is a link to an Overwatch story I'm writing from the perspective of the reader, I'll likely add art later on and maybe post the prologue here as well but as there as so many story-thieves here I'd rather not :/


Hey, I know I'm not really active here anymore but I wanted to post this here in case anyone was interested:
          Above is a link to an Overwatch story I'm writing from the perspective of the reader, I'll likely add art later on and maybe post the prologue here as well but as there as so many story-thieves here I'd rather not :/


UPDATE: I've decided to move onto posting only on AO3 (which I recently set up) as Wattpad's website really has gone downhill lately in my opinion. 
          Don't worry, nothing will be deleted from this account. The ROTG OneShot-book will be available on AO3 tho I'm still considering adding the first story I posted here as well : /
          I suggest you either save the link or follow me on this account from now on for more rotg & non-rotg stories:


Quick question: is the sequel of Dreams and Nightmares (the pitch x reader) going to come out in the end or..?
          (Btw love your stories <3)


@RosLaufeyson First off think you, I'm glad to hear you like them <3 
            Second, as of right now that is unlikely, I might do a complete remake sometime in the future but I wouldn't count on it. Instead I offer you my second book and the collection of stories there. 
            As stated in it's description, if certain stories or scenarios get enough attention I will be making follow-up chapters and who knows, maybe even their own books ^^


Might as well post this here so more people don't think I'm still in the hospital xD
          I'm doing much better and as you can see I mainly focus on posting Oneshots as longer stories take more time and I don't really have the attention span for that right now xD


Hi, I hope that you are doing well. I just wanted to say that I love your stories and you deserve so much attention for how great your writing style is. I'm looking forward to your next book/ collection of stories~!


No problem take your time. And thankyou for letting me know XD


@CreepEMcPasta Hello there and thank you for your kind words, yes I am doing better, been out of the hospital for months I'm just very bad at updating this section of my profile xD
            I'm glad to hear my work is appreciated, and yes I do have many ideas in mind and I am currently writing a new oneshot but we'll see how far I get ^^


Hello dear readers, as you might have noticed I have not posted anything for a week even tho I said I would. I have the chapters done but saddly I’m in the hostpital right now and thus can’t do very much editing wise. I hope you understand and I can’t wait to get back and post the next chapters ^^


So in about 2 weeks I will be returning to school and thus will have close to little energy to work on stories soooo..
          I'm thinking of putting up all of the chapters I've written so far within the next week which would result in around 1 chapters per day, is that a good idea? Because then pretty much all of the "ground work" for the story and character development should be flushed out and the "fun" writing can begin :3