
Ok, for some strange reason, my last announcement didn't announce. 
          	I just want to give a quick shout out to @NightflameShadows for providing an excellent name and book cover for 'Dark Moon'. Thank you so much!


Hey everyone! I just got back from Touch, and we won the game 9-3 (two of the tries that the other team scored were false, the referees were really biased). 
          A quick reminder to y'all that even if you lose a sport game or something, don't be salty and call the other team names (not that you would because you're all amazing <3) because it can really hurt them. There was someone that called one of our best players 'deaf', 'that she shouldn't live because she has no education', 'having no ears' and some other really hurtful things because they were sore losers and had no sportsmanship. It caused her to cry...
          On a less serious note, I published Destiny in the Night again! Hope you like it and enjoy your weekend!
          I know I already said this but you guys are all awesome and amazing! <3


@SmokeyEssence Yes of course sportsmenshop is everything for enjoyment I hope she's ok
            I want to slap that salty person now
            Glad you won


Hey guys! Just need y'all to remember that test results don't always determine who you are and how you do in school in the long term. Keep working hard and even if you aren't happy with your results just remember that you are all special!


@SmokeyEssence dshshsd thanks, you remember that too! <3


Guys! There is this amazing author on Wattpad, and her books are absolutely amazing! I seriously recommend checking them out! @Nikkireadw 
          Trapping Quincy and Fayre are my favourites, I think I'm a bit obsessed to be honest. Read them so many times, especially the beginning of Fayre.


@SmokeyEssence Yes i have read the genesis series complete they are absolutley awesome lmao


@SmokeyEssence Ooh I'll check them out!