
(This is my official apology to all the people I ghosted while I was at band camp for the week, anyways, have a story.)
          	Me: *chilling with my friend and a girl in our cabin who we had known for barely a day*
          	Girl: (to me) “You seem like you’re one of those ADHD kids.”
          	Me who wasn’t expecting that: “How did you know????”
          	Girl: “Wait, I was right??”
          	Me: “Yeah???”
          	Girl: *Dying of laughter ‘cause she didn’t think she’d be right*
          	Me: *Still a bit confused but laughing too*


(This is my official apology to all the people I ghosted while I was at band camp for the week, anyways, have a story.)
          Me: *chilling with my friend and a girl in our cabin who we had known for barely a day*
          Girl: (to me) “You seem like you’re one of those ADHD kids.”
          Me who wasn’t expecting that: “How did you know????”
          Girl: “Wait, I was right??”
          Me: “Yeah???”
          Girl: *Dying of laughter ‘cause she didn’t think she’d be right*
          Me: *Still a bit confused but laughing too*


this message may be offensive
Mother fucker.
          I was sitting in science watching a video on plastic pollution while doing my work. The videos narrator or whatever the fuck you wanna call him was this British dude, and at one point he went to Mumbai (which I find that part stupid funny) to go check out how shit the pollution is over there. And mother fucker, one of my classmates randomly said “Is he in Ireland?” And I turned around and told him that he was in Mumbai and then another classmate who was sitting next to him looks at me and goes “Is that in Brazil?” And, my god, I went off on them. Two countries were named, both on very different continents, AND THEY MANAGED TO GET IT HORRIBLY WRONG BOTH TIMES.
          I pray they aren’t this stupid when we graduate.


The interaction I just had with a friend:
          Friend: Why do you always immediately go through to the band room? Why don’t you ever hang out with everybody else in the lunch room? (Friend does the same thing every lunch to play her clarinet and I kinda just sit next to her on my phone.)
          Me: I have to.
          Friend: Why?
          Me: Because I have to, it’s what I always do.
          Friend: But why do you have to? Are you not allowed to go into the lunch room?
          Me: No, I’m allowed in there.
          Friend: Do they not want you in there?
          Me: No, they don’t care where I go.
          Friend: Then why do you have to?
          Me: I just do.
          Friend: That makes no sense but ok. *Goes back to playing clarinet*


Had a little (5 hour long) nonverbal episode today and now I can’t stop looking up stuff about asl/bsl ‘cause I know dawn well it’s gon’ happen again and I’m tired of not being able to do anything but nod/shake my head when it happens.


Ha, short ass


@im_jax_bitches I'm a whole ass 4 inches taller than you and your a year older than me. Midget 


@im_jax_bitches learned from the best of the best (cue my loving father)