
I have an undoubted feeling that 95% of my followers don't follow for my stories, as I have 40 followers and only a few reads. However, I believe they follow me in hopes I'll follow them back, because they believe follower numbers count a whole heck of a lot. They do, but, what's the use of having a 1000 followers if you only have 3 reads and 1 vote on the story? Really the followers are just sat there. Doing nothing. Not even aware they followed you or that you exist. That's the problem, we're all given a false security by those numbers, when in reality they have little to no benefit to us.


I have an undoubted feeling that 95% of my followers don't follow for my stories, as I have 40 followers and only a few reads. However, I believe they follow me in hopes I'll follow them back, because they believe follower numbers count a whole heck of a lot. They do, but, what's the use of having a 1000 followers if you only have 3 reads and 1 vote on the story? Really the followers are just sat there. Doing nothing. Not even aware they followed you or that you exist. That's the problem, we're all given a false security by those numbers, when in reality they have little to no benefit to us.