
Guys I need a help!!
          	Where I can read haunted Madeline (zade meadows) for free


hello author Nim and fellow readers
          Sorry for dropping at random, but I would love it if you could give me my book Love in Autumn. It's a top kook college au frenemies to lovers trope. Though no pressure, its fine if you don't. Have a great day army


Hey guys check the book called "The sweetest poison". This is such a good book. The plot and backstory is written amazingly. But unfortunately it's hadn't reached the right people who likes to read Vampire stories.
          And no it's not my work.
          Why I'm promoting it?
          Cause that work of the author deserve to be appreciated by votes and comments.
          So guys check my reading list. 
          Thank you


@KooksFairyTaele I have been able to share the link now. Check that out :)


@Slash61 mine is starting from April but our situation is same ;(.
            But I know you'll do good. Even if you don't, ik you must have been tried your best so don't worry and best of luck 


@KooksFairyTaele My wattpad ac is glitching till now, how much I try it but it's not working but you can check out  my reading list it's on top. 
            Anddd you're welcome dear.


          I hope you don’t mind me posting this, but I just started writing my first book. It would mean a lot to me if you had the time to check it out! It’s a fantasy romance book about a human girl named Esmara. She lives in a world that is ruled by seven kinds of shifters. My first book is mostly focused on werewolves but will delve deeper into the other shifters over time. Check my profile for more info! I’ll update every 7-10 days.


Hey guys 
          Pls suggest me some books where Jungkook is obsessed with Tae or stalking Tae and love hate relationship.
          Gosh I'm just craving these types of books.


@qwrtudgib see my fvt and fvtt reading list if you want


@boxxybunnyy Thanks! I was looking for a good book >_<


@Sleeping_Beauty113 Thank you lovie( ◜‿◝ )♡


this message may be offensive
How can someone be so heartless?? So brutal?? How could The fucking psychopath brutaly blended the cat in the blender ?? Couldn't he heard that kitten's cry....I believe even a monster couldn't have done this horrible things. So how can he?? And the fucking authority only jailed him for 2 months? Are you serious? The kitten is not getting it's justice just because he's not a human?? But he's a living creature too just like us, he can feel pain like us , he have emotions just like us so why? Why this injustice?? I'm so disappointed, angry and heartbroken in peace kitty hope there's no brutality and injustice where you are now


@Sleeping_Beauty113 Omg this is really scary 


@Sleeping_Beauty113 a Chinese man who had a cat and a gf. The gf used to adore the cat and that psychopathic man thaught that the gf loved the cat more than him so when they broke up the man thaught that the girl broke up because of the cat. Then in anger he decided to hurt the cat for revenge purpose ig. He blended the cat alive in the blender but when he saw that the cat was still alive he put it in the microwave.