
Efrain Gomez STOLE MY HEART!


I love your books! would you mind reading mine? its called 'Finding you'. (btw, about the boy at the church dude? haha its adorable! :*)


@SlashPaintInTheSky thank you so much. I still think its adorable


@RollOverAndDie  I will try my very best! :D I'm going to add it right now! xD And adorable!? Oh my goodness! It's so embarrassing but I just had to share it haha /.\ ^-^


To all of my Directioner mutuals, 
                      It's been a terrible time trying to cope with Zayn leaving, but I promised to support him and I won't quit now. I love all of them. And though they may not know it, I'll always be here for them. . .  You should too. You don't know how he feels and you don't know how the rest of them feel, so we should just support them as much as we can. You say you love them,  so let's show them that. They saved us so let's all be their super heroes and at least TRY to save them... from pain, sorrow, hurt, etc.
                                                            ~Yours truly,


this message may be offensive
Oh my god! Oh my GOD! Oh my GODDDDDD!!!! Ughhh! I'm so dumb. So so so dumb!! *Laughs hysterically* UGHHH!!!! So there's this guy I like from my church (turns out I live right across from the church) and he practices at the church. So his mom comes to pick him up and I'm just watching, LIKE A STALKER! He turns to my house (because he knows I live there) and WAVES! HE WAVES!!!!!!!!!!!! You do not understand! I literally thought no one could see me and he just turns around and WAVES?! What?!?! My life is so over! I'm going to die of embarrassment!


@FernBlythe  Ughhhh!!! >.< And I have church TONIGHT!! Oh my God!! I hate my life haha *crawls in a hole and dies*
            @uniquepersonia Oh gosh *FACEPALM*


@SlashPaintInTheSky  may your pride rest in peace =D