
Guess i accidentally deleted coles Daddy chapter. Republished it  


The boys during quarantine be like -
          Lloyd- Catching up on all the shows and comics he’s been holding out on 
          when going out in public, doesn’t care to wear a mask because “ Death by enemy or by getting sick ... “ 
          Kai - Self Care af , Binge shopping on Amazon 
          When going in public, Wears a mask he bought on amazon what has some weird pattern on it , Basically created his own quarantine fashion line and pulls it off well some how 
          Cole - Taking the time to self reflect , Still training and not taking a break , Attempts to up his cooking skills 
          When In public , wears a mask for the sake of others , volunteers his help to the elderly and others too scared to come out of their home 
          Jay - Basically treats it like a party but struggles with the sudden Introvert phase and starts craving social interaction immensely, Video games , sleeping in , getting bored like 3 hours after he wakes up 
          When he goes out in public , Hates that everything is closed, slightly annoyed when people shoot him a dirty look for not wearing a mask , Honestly doesn’t care about the virus and jokes around about it 
          Zane - Not scared of the virus himself since a nindroid can’t get sick by the Corona Virus ( but what about a computer virus ? :3 ) but mom mode kicks in and he starts cleaning everything vigorously. Made shower schedules for everyone . When he’s not cleaning he’s doing his part to try and find a cure for the virus 
          When In public , he’s the one who volunteers to go shopping and do anything that has to do with dealing with the public 


@SkylorKaiFangirl13  I can totally see this!