
Hi! Im here to ask about dirty laundry? Um ik you took it down and left the link to it in the description but i cant find it. I even looked on google. Do you by any chance know where i can find the original if its not here? Sorry about all the hate you got about posting it btw, people are dicks. Anyways, i hope you can let me know what you know and i hope you have a lovely day (its literally 6:31 in the morning and im so tired).


A lot of people are saying "sorry that you had to go through that" and yeah I'm with them on that you shouldn't of had to go through that. 
          But I also want to say thank you, thank you for giving me the chance to read it. Thank you for putting up with the people who disagreed. Thank you for putting yourself at risk by putting the story up in the first place. In conclusion thanks a heap dude