
Hi guys! Ive recently been working on an original story, and decided to put it up here to try and build at least a small group of readers. I have created a new account specifically for this book and others after it. The username is @Author_Of_MV. Please check it out!


Hey Guys! Book Worm here! I'm trying to decide whether or not I'm going to make an original story. I've had the idea for a long time, but I don't know if I'm confident enough in my writing yet. Can you guys help me decide!?


It's a realistic fiction and the main character (names are tbd) struggles through depression and a very busy life in highschool and I will include events from my life and possibly some of my friends lives. It will basically tell how the main character struggles with and overcomes a lot of things in her life all while hiding a lot of them. Most of her friends will never know she is depressed or anything.


@1_book_worm_ Well, I can't say much for your writing ability, but what's the idea?