
Hey guys!!!!!!!! I'm currently in sunny, sunny Florida. (Yes, it's 80 here suckers XD) so I wanted to wish everyone a happy New Years! I know most of my followers are from Kansas but never the less, Happy New Years! 


Sorry I haven't been writing much guys..... School is crazy right now and I haven't had a good time to just sit down and let the creative juices flow. I also have a huge announcement that some of you may hate. (Sorry in advance). I am stopping my book 'In the end'. Sorry but that is one of my book that I adore so if I ever do become a writer, I want to have that book that will actually all mine. Due to that I will be posting a new book! This one is really cool so I hope you guys love it! So for now, I'm falling out. (Tell me what you think about my new catchphrase!)


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile. I have been writing two amazing RP's with two amazing people! I will be doing a combined account with them so make sure to see if I add a new follower because that will be our account! I hope you read them and enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed writing them!