
this message may be offensive
merry fucking crisis you beautiful bastards
          	Yipekiyay motherfucker, and merry Christmas yah filthy animal ;)
          	but yeah im alive, sadly. i ended up in holly hill (holly hell) for trying to kms lol
          	but yeah, im still here <3


ok so I lied but I'm back
          I've woken up and with my cousin right bedside me we can agree on men
          So I'ma do a thing and write a one shot book with my cousin. We'll write it every day and once we're done we'll publish it! :) 
          Dm me or my cousin if you have question!~


Gay gay homosexual gay ✨


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          I'm alive I swear
          I've decided to T R Y  and write another book. It shall be devoted to my ✨amazing cousin✨ (I'll @ her in the comments) And since I never see books like the said one I'm planning on writing, it'll be a Fred x Reader x Eddie book. I can hear all you giggly bitches in the damn comments already. Be the fuck quiet. *Ehem* I'm very poly so that's great, and so is my cousin so woopsie.  We both simp for Fred and Eddie so woopsie pt2 ✌
          Anyways, I'll probably hopefully start it next week or whenever I feel up to it lmao
          Love you all, please dont die in the next 96 hourssss owo


            Oooh cousin. I'm still writing you the storyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


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So, Wattpad is really fucking broken now. I've posted SEVEN DIFFERENT DAMN CHAPTERS AND WATTPAD DIDN'T EVEN POST THEM. *Sigh* I've been reposting so, SO many times and it still doesn't work. (I have an alt account to make sure my books post correctly, because this has happened before!) So I'm going to keep writing and itlf this problem doesn't get fixed anytime soon I'll just have to give up on the boom entirely-. Really sorry everyone! I'll try and fix it. Love you all my dear reader, take care! ❤️



Guess what everyone?! Today's the last day of school for me! ✨✨
          That's means I'll be able to write a bit more! You CAN still message me if you want to request something in the book, but I will get to it later because today I'm going to have to look nice and be at graduation all day. So ya! Love you all my marshmallows and remember to eat food and drink water! 


@yuuk10 OH-
            I remember that now-
            I am so sorryyyyy
            I didnt actually do it. I fell asleep lmao (If you want i can bring this to our private DMs lol)


@yuuk10 just looked again, I didn't see anything lmao


@yuuk10 wdym? Sorry I don't remember anything that was on my account
            I'll look so I know what your talking about lmao