
The Wednesday hyperfixation has returned and I wanna make a fic combining Bionicle of a student who's a Toa of Plasma and is door mates with Enid and Wednesday


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My Philo is giving me ads for a show called Mean Girl Murders-
          Like fuckers I'm not surprised their about people who peaked in fucking high school, no one is every fucking mentally decent and that's saying something as someone who's been to grippy socks jail twice but didn't peak in highschool, at least I didn't kill anyone despite how bad I wanted to become I actually had a lid on most of my emotions and didn't want to stoop to their fucking levels
          Like gawd damn makes about as sense as wanting to watch everything of the Kardashian's, we get it their shit heads who needs their fucking egis curb stomped to the ground and need a god damn reality check
          how people like the fucking Kardashian's is beyond me, they sure live to the American Royalty because like a lot of modern monarchies they're just overbloated celebrities who need a reality check, just real monarchies just have their "bloodline" for it even tho I've never seen them actually do anything for their counties in affairs and all that the entire 21 nearing 22 years I've been alive
          How tf did ranting about a trailer for a show turn to this?
          I confuse myself at times so much


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Do you ever have those days where you feel so shit mentally you just sleep the whole day? Like just rot in bed for days on end doing nothing but sleeping because dreams and sleep are the only time you feel like normal and decent person?
          Yeah that was me today
          I still wanna keep sleeping tho


@Sirenalagirl53 same i basically do that everyday


@Sirenalagirl53 The crazy thing is, is that was me today, lmao.


Due to an edit series on TikTok of a Multiverse type deal with Earth Spark and the other Transformers universes
          I am now making a Transformers Prime X Earth Spark fic including my OC from my Earth Spark fic Ruth
          GAWD the mental images would not shut up about it just from one video


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Replaying Bayonetta 2 and Vigird, City of Dejavu chapter always fucks me up I hate racing shit
          Like I'm better at the small one during The Lumen Sage aka the previous chapter with Demosdius (the horse with the sword on its forehead demon) than that shit because I always jump so far and have difficulty controlling the Panther Within shit, then again it's the same in Bayonetta 3 with the Demon Masquerades which is basically the same thing but looks different to match the weapon your using of demons themed


Best timing I got SKORPION by Kordhell playing while watching the episode of TANKED where they build a Scorpion tank for a restaurant on the Vegas Strip called Nacho Daddy that has a Scorpion Shot


@DanaM00 I'm not even joking that happened and when my brain registered it halfway through the song I went "oh that's a weird timing"