
I guess I'll start by re-reading the saved stories I have :)


6-ish years. It's been a while eh? Some friends of mine brought up a topic regarding Wattpad recently, bringing me back here today I guess. X) 
          Coming back here really brings back memories, memories I'm really fond of, albeit both good and bad. Although I really wanted to strangle the past version of myself for making really questionable choices, I wouldn't have traded the experiences I've had for the world. Who knows what I would've become without the friends I've met here. HAHA
          Anyway, I've always been kind of insecure of myself. And I swear to God you can bet that I'm physically cringing as I am writing this message. I just hope that choosing to announce this to my followers - friends - won't annoy them. 
          I will admit I have a bias to a few people on here which I am more fond of, especially since I loved reading their stories, those if which are off the top of my head, Cheetah, CrazyBirdMan59, Xenochick and a few more. These are the people that I am grateful for meeting as they have, in a way, made me who I am today. Well I'll be damned if that didn't sound corny af, but, it is the truth. I wish to be able to connect and communicate again once again as we did back then, although thinking upon it makes me realise that sounds kind of selfish, or maybe its just me being insecure.
          Anyway, I shall stop my little update message (if you could even call it that?) here as I probably will actually strangle myself if I were to continue on. And to my friends of old, how have you been? :)


Although I do wonder, where has the people I knew that were once here gone to.


I realised I've already misspelled the names mentioned here and I can't even - AAHHH