
Hey all! I will be responding to my RPs later tonight! My weekend has been pretty hectic and next weekend will be the same! Moving is a pain 


Hey guys, this is for those who I have an rp with or was working on starting one with. I know I dropped off theface of the earth for a month or more, but life took a complete nose dive for me, and I’m dealing with some legal issues, personal matters, and more stuff. I’m back though and planning on responding, so let me know if you would like to continue a rp or not! I’m so so soooo sorry! 


To those who I had an rp with, I am so so sorry for not responding. I got sick really bad, and then school started, and on top of that I've been having car problems, so my focus has not been on responding. I'm reallyreally sorry for that, and if you want to continue the rps, just shoot me a message and I will FOR SURE respond today. 


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Yet again life has plagued me with stress, death, and a lot of other bullshit. If I have not replied to you, please do not spam me. Between me mourning, dealing with stress from school and working on college shit and graduation, as well as work and other personal things, my motivation and inspiration has been lacking very hard. So please, bear with my guys. Thanks.


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If I haven't responded to you via PM yet, please bear with me. I have been dealing with a lot of shit these past few months between school, life, and everything else. These few months are going to be really really hard for me mentally and emotionally. I will respond to you guys when I know I can give you my best effort, okay? I'm sorry. :/