
Hello! Sorry about the weeks wait on next chapters :'D I've been busy so much I couldn't actually post the next chapter but it should be up today *thumbs up* 
          	Have a nice day!


Hellooo creepy crawleys° I have multiple things I am working on.. But Anna is in the process of maybe a short manga strip of Snow and Ruvik (some back stories and fun) so if interested in perhaps reading it let me know. :) or if interested in my other indie story for my character Iden Nocturnal. :) have a nice day!°


Hi-yohhh °  if anyone that reads Anna is interested in concept art of any of the characters let me know °· 
          I would be delighted to share. :) (also free from writing my manga/comic or however I shall call it.) so more time to write chapters :) °·


Hey thanks for following this weirdo which is me of course, but it was your choice so thanks again, appreciate it. Really glad to have another follower because most keep unfollowing me, please don't unfollow, your a really awesome person. I think that's all I have to say, um so yea. Stay Awesome, lots of love, bye!


@mamacarmela28 your very welcome! And yes I understand know the feel of people unfollow all the time but that's okay new people come about and engulf themselves in your stories :) have a nice day!


Evening creepy crawleys :3 I have many more chapters to post of Anna and also I have a indie story I am working on too (plus a manga) so chapters are slow but in progress. I constantly go back and fix older chapters to make the story more understandable but other than that have a wonderful day!