
I'm a potato ✌️


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️


Babe your work is incredible you truly are a phenomenal writer I look forward to reading all you have made❤️


Hi baby doll, it's your Bae Mai. I miss you. Can't wait to see you Monday.. (basically tomorrow).. this weekend was the death of me.. lol until then my lovely. 
           Love you! 
          ~❌Better Off Dead ❌


Good for me, see you then


@JustAlex_Marie I miss you too baby we can maybe hang out Monday after school ~ love you even more your best friend


            My bunny baby.. ughh 4 days off of school is going to kill me.. Life is worthless without someone to talk to.. I miss you so much.. what are you doing on Wednesday after school? Wanna do something? Hmu.. 
            ~Love you lots 
            Your forever best friend


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ya whatever at least i follow gods word, god made adam for eve. girls and girls arent supposed to date and guys and guys arent supposed to date its supposed to be a girl and a guy and ya kaitlyn told me what u said about me and janie and her and i dont like that u called us sluts atleast i dont have a new boyfriend every week wait in ur case it would be boyfriend or girlfriend and also luke hemmings would never date u so move on and get a life in the real world where shit happens and we MOVE ON!!! go ahead and call me whatever u want cause sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me they just make me hate ur fucked up face even more and kaitlyn told me what u put on snapchat and man r u a whore!!


@AlisonPfister8  ali i love you like a sister. But i just laughed when i saw this. O and your not ugly you are one of the most beatiful girls i knoe and you are not a slut and nither is emma. And emma she never betray us. I dont know who told you that but she never did such a thing okay just wanted to get that off my chest bye!☺


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@AlisonPfister8  wow u have the nerve of calling me a slut because I can get a guy and Ur ugly ass face can't if u wanna say something say it to my face don't be all pussy and hidding behind a screen so shut the fuck up buy makeup look pretty and maybe stop acting like a bitch to people u don't know cause if u wanna fight come to New York and I'll ruin ur face more than it already is and first of all I'm a Christian and I be that good put us on this earth to live in peace now sweetie it's best to shut the fuck up before u say shit about me


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 u really said that about janie and kaitlyn? u dont even no them, im their best friend so back of bitch oh and p.s ur books suck


@AlisonPfister8  Emma she is not ugly so don't call her that please and she never did betray us so yeah


@AlisonPfister8 oh yea and look at ur self in the mirror sweetie u might wanna fix that oh what am I talk about not even the world of makeup can fix ur face