
Ever have a really good day, but still want to cry over life? Me right now.


I am so happy it’s late entry today, it’s 9:17 and I am still home. Today is supposed to be really busy. I have to go to school and I’m meeting my friend at 2:30 and we are gonna go to the park to hang out because she wanted to do something today. I have to play in a concert so ima hang out with her, then change into my concert black back at the school. Then I’ll come home and enjoy life :)


Put on a nice outfit for school tomorrow and I Lowkey feel so pretty rn


@LillyCurtis1 I got four compliments about it today


My non crush is at my house and hanging with my mom and they are both cleaning and I feel guilty about going into my room to isolate, but I’m getting irritated because I want to go in my room and cry to Taylor Swift songs and be alone


@SimpForSodapopCurtis yeah, his mom GROUNDED HIM. I was super happy!!!


Um, excuse me? MY HIGH SCHOOL IS TRYING TO KILL ME! I got recommended for all honors, INCLUDING ITALIAN AND SURPRISINGLY US HISTORY! The thing is, you can’t choose another once you get recommended. I’m not being given a choice, I have to do all honors. I also have an AP class next year against my will. I have to take that too. Omg guys, what am I going to do?!


@SimpForSodapopCurtis Congrats! I wish the system was more fair about it but by the end you'll be thankful you took the honors classes


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I have finally been pissed the fuck off. My allergies suck booty crack ass and I can’t breathe even though I took medicine and hour and a half ago. My damn landlord won’t fucking do her job so now we have a fucking rat/mouse infestation. I have been trying to sleep and those little
          Motherfuckers have been running around my room and one jumped onto my fucking bed when I was about to fall asleep and made me wake the fuck up, so now it is about 1:30 and I’ve spent the past fifteen minutes throwing shit around my room where they’ve been running so they go away and stop being annoying, now they’re running around again. I can’t sleep, and my landlord doesn’t dogshit about it. I SWEAR I HEAR THEM RUNNING RIGHT NOW, I AM GONNA LOSE MY FUCKING MIND. IF MY LANDLORD AOULD ACTUALLY DO HER JOB AND MAKE SURE THERE IS NO WAY FOR THEM TO GET IN AND MAYBE LET US GET A FUCKING CAT OR SOME SHIT. I CANT LIVE LIKE THIS, LET ME FUCKING JUMP OUT MY DAMN WINDOW, I SWEAR.


@SimpForSodapopCurtis Dang that's a lot I so sowwy :(


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@SimpForSodapopCurtis I get u it doesn’t affect me during the day but it does at night which is worse I have to breathe outta my mouth but then I get a sore throat I’m so stuffed up I keep tissues in bed with me it’s the fucking worst


Bro my seven year old cousin keeps slapping my ass and I almost projectile shat my pants so I decided to go to the bathroom


@Starlight180_ no my cousin kept slapping my ass


@SimpForSodapopCurtis uhm this whole thing is confusing me Elora are you okay….


When I write scenes and stuff in my fanfics, I like to make the gang really nice, but also not fully understand how to talk to girls. It’s funny because most of the time they will be respectful, but then they occasionally say that one thing to piss you off. I just like doing that.


I need to go on an unfollowing spree, I should only be following 207 people, but I’m following 220. I follow back everyone and I follow two others who don’t follow me, I’m just gonna go on that spree real quick, and ima follow you all back


@SimpForSodapopCurtis oh that makes sense i was like wait i thought you were already following me


it’s okay i’m following 766 accounts with 275 follows lmao