
          	People still don't get that "AJ & Dash" isn't an AppleDash book... X'D
          	No, dudes, it clearly says it's related to "My Little Human", a SoarinDash book. ^^
          	I ship SD exclusively, but experimented w/ AppleDash in "Equestria: An MLP Fanfic".
          	Sorry, I just don't want my writing butchered. DX


          Why tf do I keep getting useless notifications?! (O_o)??
          I literally just saw something about someone BARFING! (ー_ー)


@ringringitsmeagain Yeah, it's so weird. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


          Holy guoc, I "My Little Human" made it to #1 under the #mlh hashtag! O[]O
          Just... AMAZING to come back to something so positive after being away for so long! X3
          See you guys when I'm 100%! I love you all! XD


@LegendaryMegaNerd Sorry I’m late, but thanks! X3


          I realized I haven't updated my age in my profile description since I was 24... O_O
          I'm 26 now. X'D


@Ornii2077 I'm so late, I'm so sorry. DX


          According to @solacing, I'm not entitled to free books on a free website. Like, what? Isn't that the point of Wattpad? Also, rude person blocked ME for pointing out something rude. Yeah, like I'm gonna take kindly to someone giving orders to me when I don't know them. OF COURSE I'm gonna complain about paid books on a FREE website. You don't publish on a free website & get mad when people complain! JESUS!


          Hi, guys! X3
          It's 2019 and I'm proud to say: I've started on the 1st parts (the intro & prologue) of "MLH: Senior Year"! :D
          Just thought you guys would be happy to know. XD


          Hello, everyone! XD
          Something's been irking me:
          Why tf do people keep putting my "A.J. & Dash" book in "AppleDash" collections?! O_O It says it's an "My Little Human"-related book. It's NOT AppleDash! -_- I don't even ship them. The only AppleDash book I've got is "Equestria (An MLP Fanfic)", which was nothing more than an experiment to see if I can write beyond SoarinDash. :)
          None of my other stories are AppleDash. Please stop assuming everything w/ the words "Apple" & "Dash" is AppleDash. :|