


Hello, I'm back. As you may know, My account has been closed recently. Wattpad thinks I'm cyberbullying which I wasn't. They're kinda dumb. but I won't give up. I'll keep on creating reading lists and I will always return when I create a bunch of accounts. If anyone is around here listening to this message. Feel free to follow me. I got fanfics to recommend to you.


@CokeMaster3455 alright I've never heard of you, but I checked your account an you have some pretty good reading lists. So I don't care what the supposed gay Twitter freaks you were talking about were mad at you for.


@filip3012 dude my original account was closed by Wattpad because female or gay users started mass reporting me for being homophobic. Don’t you know who they are? A bunch of 14-year-old females on Twitter become toxic, I’ve heard it from someone. I'm not good at explanations or anything. I've lost 677 followers but now I'm regaining them right now. What's the point anyway? I can't stand around and do absolutely nothing.  I was messaging everyone and every author on their message board. Some three authors mute me for an unknown reason probably they think I'm a spam bot. So there you have it. That's the explanation I could write of. 


I've actually started writing again. Although it is a story that won't be making an appearance on wattpad for it is but a script for a comics I'm planning on doing later on, I'm getting back on tracks for the whole writers mindset thing.
          So yeah huh.
          I'll progressively be more and more active once again. I won't pretend that I will be as active or even more than at my peak, because I can never predict that specific mindset. But it is a maybe, a ray of hope if you will.
          Getting back on track with life lmao, I'm done drifting around and losing parts of my vehicle. 
          It is with that wacky ass metaphor that I wish you a good day. Chacha


Bruh, I'm re-reading my stories, and like. There are so many comments I kinda feel like I could come back to writing. So maybe. Life's not been very poggers lately, but, perhaps at some point I'll believe again.
          If it happens, I'll be saying.... Hmmmm
          I need to find a cool come back phrase ..
          Hmm ....
          Dunno, you can suggest one if you want lmao.
          If I come back, I'll finish the two ongoing stories and then like... I remember peeps asking for new seasons of some of the other stories... So yeah 
          Anyways, have a nice day, week, month, year ..... 
          'till next time folks.


Bruh I still get followers even tho I'm a trash author, can't even keep promises


@ 999966darkness  Maybe he changed of account or something?
            Whatever reason I'm not the one who could know about it. I stopped following. Him like a year ago or something.