
So I'm writing a book but I need a cover but i'm not gooad at making them so if you know somone who wouldn't mind making one for me can u pleas e send me their username so I can message them. Thanks


Ok guys I need your help, so my cousin and me r close but not that close. hes 3 months younger than me. Anyway so before he wouldn’t rlly text me much but I went to a friends place and she goes to the same school as him and they have a whole yr group chat and I got a load of my cousins number. Ok so at this point I text them sometimes but only when it concerns my cousin otherwise I don’t care, one of his friends gave my number to another of his friends number that I didn’t have and so all day I’ve been stressing about who it is and my cousin for the first time actually cares and replies when I text him. After I found out who it was, so as a joke I decided to send my best friend my cousins number and see what he would so he knew who is ‘‘twas but whatever, I got her to text him saying ‘wanna hang out sometime’ and he said ‘no’ obviously and i ended the call between me and her and told her I had to go. But what happens after is the problem she messages me telling me they’ve been texting and sends me screenshots and they’re getting close like really close like even closer than me and him to the point where they’re sending each other pictures of themselves and he never does that to me like we RARELY ever text and it’s just I don’t want them to be that close I guess I feel jealous. I see my best friend Friday but I wanna say to her to just ignore him but I can’t. Please help me.


Ok so I read a book where there’s this girl and her family’s in the mafia and her dads sells her to this massive don and stuff. So then at like one point the don decided to give her back but her dads about to slap her but the don stops him and takes her home then the story continues and Yh. The author released  a second part about their children but the problem is that I can’t remember what the books called. HELP