
I apologize for the lack of updates. I am and have been in the process of packing and moving. I will update as soon as possible. Please be patient with me. Discordians as usual will get the first view of my chapters. I look forward to my return.


I apologize for the lack of updates. I am and have been in the process of packing and moving. I will update as soon as possible. Please be patient with me. Discordians as usual will get the first view of my chapters. I look forward to my return.


My stories will be returning to wattpad here soon thank to the help of my discord server.
          Discordians of Teisha's Temple will be getting a sneak peak and personal reading of the chapters before they are posted. Readings will be every other Thursday Night of 1-3 different stories 1 or 2 chapters per story.
          All Stories Read Up-To-Date In the Server will be added to Discord by July 1st 2019.
          In the meantime while stories are being edited, rewritten and read - The site my story information is on will be getting a small makeover to help provide more information about the stories whose information was not already located in the pages.


Silverrrr you should read my boooook.


@Surryeon Your turn~ Valentine. i dedicated first chapter to you :P


@Surryeon alright, ill take a look at it here in a few :P


@Silverxleaf Created from Stars. :P


@Silverxleaf Where ya been? Little lamb misses you on IMVU. ;n;


@Surryeon i figured as much, i think she has 3-4 alts though so she might be on one of them, idk their users though :/


@Silverxleaf *Huggles you while being squished* Okai! I hope you will be back soon. Anika is no longer coming online from what I can see so yeah. ;n;


@Surryeon  Awws <3 i misses you too *squishes you in a huggle* ill be back soon, and even if theres 10 feet of snow outside on Feb. 17th i have several announcements i need to get out to everyone and even if i have to build myself an igloo to mooch off the neighbors wifi i will :P