
Chapter 16 of Recipe For Love is finally up! :D FINALLY :D


Can I just say that you are an amazing writer! I couldnt even tell English wasn't your native language until you mentioned it in one in one of your mini author notes! TRFL is amazing and I have just started reading EXO undercover!!  So excited! 
          ((I was very tempted in translating this into Danish but Google translate is horrible ^^;)) 
          Love,  Momo 


@ -MomoRose- Yup, Exodus is beyond words :)
            Agreed. It's too hard.
            Happy reading ^^ Nice chatting :)


            I hope so to! I'm already starting to like them!
            Yes I do actually! Exodus, it's so... words can't even describe it!
            oh Lord, I don't know, they're all so good >~< and they're all cute, I can't decide! now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go read Chapter Two XD


@-MomoRose- Awww :D Thnx again!
            Yesss! hope you'll love them as you listen to them more :) ^.^ 
            Oh, that's a really hard question XD I can't decide between Exodus, Hurt and Transformers.... And all the others :D  Do you have a fav yet? :) And who's your bias?


Have you heard of the amazing k-pop band, called EXO? 
          I have just started a fanfiction called EXO-undercover :D 
          It is going to be great, I promise! Even though you don't know so much about EXO or you are a hardcore EXO-L, I hope you'll love the story as much as I do :) <3


Hello, ma'am! (Or sir, if you are.)
          Thank you very much for adding my story in your reading list! It's a very, very huge thing for me, honestly.
          Again, thank you very much!


@PotataGurl You are welcome :D Your story sounded really interesting, so i couldn't not add it to my reading list ^.^
             And btw, I'm a girl :)