
I have began not to like my story Eternals so I've decided to take it down change it up a little bit, add some new characters, develop the characters, and maybe even mix up the plot and story line. After that I will repost it


@FirePrincess13  honestly, I don't know if I'm telling you the wrong or right answer, it's up to you if you want to listen to me but, I think he's telling the truth...if he's your friend, then I think he knows you two are friends....if he said that he was your friend and that you're cool in kind of like a sad way, then that MAYBE  MAYBE he likes you because you said you like him as a friend...but of he said it as like as if he just said it casually that probably means he actually likes you as a friend.  Hope it helps but honestly what I WOULD DO  I'm saying what I WOULD DO is forget about it but just acted like it never happened....hope it this very slowly if you don't understand. Let me know what happens..xx