
" - czym jest szczęście?
          	- szczęście? to duże słowo nie? z tego względu, że dwa lata temu mi się żona powiesiła. moje szczęście odeszło. jestem co drugi dzień na cmentarzu, jeżeli załatwię dziś znicza to idę jej zapalić. jeżeli nie to idę se pogadać, idę z gitarą, pogram. może słyszy. "


" - czym jest szczęście?
          - szczęście? to duże słowo nie? z tego względu, że dwa lata temu mi się żona powiesiła. moje szczęście odeszło. jestem co drugi dzień na cmentarzu, jeżeli załatwię dziś znicza to idę jej zapalić. jeżeli nie to idę se pogadać, idę z gitarą, pogram. może słyszy. "


Dear best friend, 
          i hope that you're good. since you've been gone it has not been easy. i miss you every day, but i want to say thank you. thank you for everything. for spending your free time with me. teach me,  like me, love me, inspire me.  i don't know what i'm going to do now, without you.  you're gone and i'm here. i should write something like it long time ago,  but  i didn't know how.  it's already ten months when you're gone and i still can't handle it all.  did you see me? i don't know where you are but i hope that you're ok. i hope that you are proud of me and what i made. maybe it isn't much but i did it. i'm still alive. i'm still here and i'm alive without you. and i have no idea how it happend.  i though that is not possible. but i did it. i wish you were here with me and my mom. but you did what you did and i can't  put the clock back. unfortunately. i miss you so much. do you remember when i jump on your back i said 'don't  let me go'.  and then you said 'never'.  that was two years ago. and you fulfil a promise.  i love you so much and i let you leave me. how could you do this? when you had a trouble i always was talking with my mom. and now?! you didn't do anything. i though you trust her.  don't you?  of couse i'm not mad. i stopped be mad a long time ago. i'm just in pain. i need you to back to normality. to back to live in hundred percent. please come back to me.