
New part up for The Fallen Gods (New Version)! It's a short chapter, but we're reaching the end and things are starting to wrap up. Thank you all so much for your support. I really appreciate it!


So I've got a new part for The Fallen Gods (new version) that I plan on having out later this week. Also, I've got a tumblr now! It's @beckwritestrash, and I just intend to post random writing related things, as well as updates on works I post here. It's a little more accessible to me than Wattpad generally is, so questions and comments there are greatly appreciated as well. Thank you all for the reads, comments, and votes. It really makes my day to see you enjoying and interacting with my work. Take care, and here's to a new year.


Between finals and the holidays, I haven't had a lot of time to write, but I'm finally getting back into it. A new part for The Fallen Gods (New Version) is up, and we are quickly reaching the end of this story. I've finally settled on a story to work on after this one is finished, and I'll announce more about that as the details get set in place. I hope everyone has a happy new year and that 2021 will be better. Thank you all for all the continued reads and comments, it really does make my day to see you all interacting with and enjoying these works. Take care of yourselves during these tough times and stay safe!


Sorry for the slow updates on The Fallen Gods (new version). It's that point in the semester where all of my professors give us tons of work at once and we have to get it all done in a short amount of time. But I got a new part up, so please go check it out! Thank you for all the reads and comments and votes. Also, stay positive today even if things aren't going great. Take care!


In these uncertain times it can be really hard for me to find time to write, especially given all of the changes that have come with going back to school. However, I updated The Fallen Gods (New Version) for the first time in a while, and I just wanted to let you all know that there's a new chapter up. Stay safe and positive and have a great day!


I hope everyone is doing okay despite everything that's going on in the world right now. I've been finding it hard to keep creating when everything going on seems so dark, but I feel like this is a time when we need creators now more than ever. I finally have a new chapter up for the new version of The Fallen Gods, and I'd really appreciate it if you all would go check it out. Thank you for all of the reads, comments, and votes. I really appreciate them, and they keep me motivated to keep writing. And remember to try and stay positive during these tough times, and to never stop creating.