
I hate that I studied Danish in order to talk to my aunt today. Because in the end I got so insecure when she asked me a simple question that I didn't answer at all.


Hi everyone.
          I'm sorry for not updating any of my books. But I'm currently going through something and need to focus on myself in order to not break down completely. I hope you can understand. But I will try to update in the next two weeks because I'm having vacation. I still don't promise anything, I can't guarantee I will keep a promise right now.


@Yoongi_abs1  aww, du weißt gar nicht wie viel mir das gerade bedeutet. Danke<3


@ SideEffect9  Alles gut. Hauptsache du stresst dich nicht noch nehr oder überforderst dich in einer zu hohen weise. Ich wollte dir nur bescheid geben dass ich immer zuhöre, egal was ist ;) <3


@Yoongi_abs1  danke dir, ich weiss das echt zu schätzen. Nur fällt es mir derzeit aber schwer einfach auf WhatsApp/Insta zu gehen und zu schreiben. Keine Ahnung weshalb, aber es kostet mich extrem viel Kraft und Energie überhaupt irgendwem zu schreiben... Aber ich werde dir die nächsten Tage auf jeden Fall schreiben, weil ja, die werden noch anstrengender jetzt und kaum jemand versteht weshalb, weil es hauptsächlich wegen kleinen Kindern, aka meinen Geschwistern und meinem Cousin, ist :')


Did you ever notice that when someone announces their pregnancy, everyone cheers the parents and gives them advices/tells them about how it's going to be? And did you ever notice how no one prepares the siblings, especially when there is a bigger age gap? I feel like siblings get overlooked way too easily. 
          I wish someone had prepared me to become a big sister at the age of 12 and 15. I wish someone had told me about the difficulties and taught me about how to deal with it. I wish someone had told me how emotional it is when they take their first steps, start speaking, learn new things. But no one ever did.


@ SideEffect9  I feel u