
HALOOO WATTTPADD NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN :) now this whole outline changed and im really confused how to use this new theme *insert laughing emoji* it's been like what...5 months maybe?  lol idek anymore. but one thing is for sure, that wattpad and th people aren't the same when i first joined..OH WHALE DEN .___


ahhh i never see your replies back ): can you start replying directly onto my message board so i get the notification?? also omg yes you're the first person i followed i'm pretty sure and it was because we shared the same birthday i'm so soft for you (((': can you believe we were using this site when everything was block and the only colors were orange and black lmfaooooo


dude omg it's been so long I don't think you even remember me bc ive changed my username so many times but anyway I remember you were the first person to ever follow my account and post something on my wall and you posted about how we joined the same day (hella cray) omg that was so long ago haha ((I was @Hazza_Nation)) and I was laughing bc I thought of you today and how funny it is that we were here when Wattpad was only black, white, and orange but now it's all updated and ppl can barely reply to the messages on their wall now lmaooooo but th I just came to say hi :)
          oml that was long af


@karasu-nohomo lMAOOO  Do you have any social media?


@karasu-nohomo lololol hiii,, & same i just redownloaded wattpad again and i'm just trying to get through my shitload of notifs


@king-mgc Hello omfg. i'm honestly crying rn cause asdfghj. I remember you! and im so sorry for not replying back until after a year or so. I remember all our conversations and i'm very glad that you did too. I regret not keeping up with wattpad. But if you're still on here or if you ever read this message, please reply! xoxo


HALOOO WATTTPADD NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN :) now this whole outline changed and im really confused how to use this new theme *insert laughing emoji* it's been like what...5 months maybe?  lol idek anymore. but one thing is for sure, that wattpad and th people aren't the same when i first joined..OH WHALE DEN .___