
I’m not going to post anymore books…it’s obvious that I haven’t posted in like…5-6 years? Anyways, just wanted to let you all know that I don’t have the motivation to write anymore as I’m now a college freshman and have better things to worry about other than writing books; I am however writing two series’ but I’m not gonna post them anytime soon 


I’m not going to post anymore books…it’s obvious that I haven’t posted in like…5-6 years? Anyways, just wanted to let you all know that I don’t have the motivation to write anymore as I’m now a college freshman and have better things to worry about other than writing books; I am however writing two series’ but I’m not gonna post them anytime soon 


Im sorry for whatever i did to you. 


@JessicaElizabeth23  I was just too distracted by the holidays and the stories.Can you forgive me?


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I noticed that u must be having same problems some others are having with this app. If it's a long time between updates I go back and try to familiarize myself with the story. I saw some pages where sentences were dropped midway or parts repeated. u need to figure a way to fix these for any new readers. And I still don't like the direction that she wolf has taken. If her so called parents wanted to come back and take over they should have to fight for it. Council or no she truly is old enough to take over. This whole idea of letting them take over and to treat her mate like shit is wrong and is probably taking away from the story for others as well as me. I was enjoying it up until then. And I am still confused as to why u didn't let them mate when she was in heat because the impression was that she was wanting it as much as Lexie. Then it wouldn't matter about these idiots that came back. And why would the moon goddess suddenly be silent and standing by. U need to have the moon goddess make an appearance and straighten this whole mess out and have these so called parents bow down to Lexie and her mate. And to serve her mate as punishment for the way they treated her. Then get on with mating and wars and such. If not I am afraid u are going to lose readers that like I was really enjoyed it up to the stupid counsel thing etc. I read a lot and with wolves it's always who was the strongest to lead. Even with real wolves. Counsels are more for vampires anyway. And u had Lexie as a strong positive role model and suddenly she's become a wimp. The moon goddess is suppose to have final say so bring her in and put things back right with Lydia and her mate but do NOT let these so called parents go without punishment. They deserve to have to serve Lexie and her mate. To have to clean up everyone's messes and not to be allowed to make any decisions and to have to lay on a cold floor with a thin blanket. And Lexie gets her office and pack back. 


@starscroll Thanks,I will try to figure something out and Also you just gave me an Idea for the next chapter involving the Moon Goddess 