
My dudes!! I was just looking at my account and it says I joined 3 years ago! Dayum!! This is hella crazy y’all!


I updated all of my books! I hate to ask you guys this...but can you read at least one of my books? If you do I'll be your best friend forever. If you don't I'll still be your best friend,If you want me to. If you want to be best friends,tell me.


Hey guys,I'm back! My charger broke,and I didn't have another charger until today.I had no way of charging my iPod or iPhone,that's why I haven't been on wattpad for awhile. Not that anybody noticed I was gone. Also nobody probably cared. Anyways,I'll be updating my books soon. If you read any of my books,please leave some comments,and tell me what you think of my books. Well...bye! Sorry I typed soo much. :/


So I just made a new book called 'Shy_Girl'. If you want to know more about me,go read the book. It's all about me and my life. I hope you all have/had a wonderful day! Also if anyone is a fan of marvel,5sos,or Disney,go check out my book 'my fangirl life'. Okay,bye!


Wattpad is getting on my nerves! :( 
          So I go check my notifications...someone replied to my comment. Guess what...I CAN'T SEE IT! I click on the notification,it takes me to the story,but it doesn't show up on the story! 
          This isn't the first time either. Why wattpad...are you trying to get on my nerves?!?
          Sorry for the rant...I just had to get it off my chest. I feel better now. Bye! I hope you all have/had a wonderful day! I'm here for anyone that needs or wants to talk to someone.