
When will you post the sequel to the mafia queen?


It’s okay no worries really. I’m looking forward to read the book ❤️


@mafaldasantos2005 First of all, I am truly sorry for the two months delay. I know I promised you guys that it will be out by May but something came up and I pushed it back. I am currently working on the sequel but I can't promise that it will be out by the end of the month. I want the whole book to be finished when I post the chapters up so I will be able to post all the chapters at once instead of a couple of chapters per week. I will keep you posted on the progress, again I'm so sorry.


Please tell me there is going to be a book two of The Mafia Queen. I Love it so much it was amazing. Also when will you update your other book Beyond. Im already in love with it.


Okay so I’m not sure about book two of The Mafias Queen. When I am positive that I will be doing it I will notify the readers. For beyond I post three chapters every day except sundays but I’m happy you love them.


Mafia’s Queen is probably one of the best books I’ve read so far on Wattpad! I absolutely love the story and the characters, especially Annika, and wish it would have never ended. I laughed, I cried, and I was surprised at so many turns. I absolutely love the highs and lows of the book and the character development. I love that Annika isn’t a shy innocent girl who cowers at the sight of people and is a strong, independent BADASS who can kill you in a second! Absolutely love and will definitely be thinking about for the next month! Thank you! 


@MaggieJane213 Thank you so much. It makes me happy to know that you enjoyed it.