
Happy Birthday to me,
          	Happy Birthday to me,
          	Happy Birthday to Alice,
          	Happy Birthday to me!!
          	It's my birthday, woohoo!! I totally did not stay up til midnight to wish my birthday twin Happy Birthday, nor did I listen to all the birthday voice lines from my collection of Genshin characters right after... Anyways, as a birthday surprise from me to you, my loyal and patient followers, I have some announcements to make! First order of business, no, I have not given up writing Infernal Desire. I am simply holding off writing for it until In Loving Memory is complete. Second order of business, I have plenty of new ideas in store for new stories, one of which I wish to start after finishing In Loving Memory. How will that work when I already have Infernal Desire still needing to be finished? Uhhhhh we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I'll probably spit out a chapter or two when I get inspiration for it, but my adhd and my need to get past my apiphobia demand that this new story be written! Anyways, this concludes today's meeting, thank you for coming to my TED Talk and thank you for staying for the snacks. Have a great day and an even more fruitful year! :D


Happy Birthday to me,
          Happy Birthday to me,
          Happy Birthday to Alice,
          Happy Birthday to me!!
          It's my birthday, woohoo!! I totally did not stay up til midnight to wish my birthday twin Happy Birthday, nor did I listen to all the birthday voice lines from my collection of Genshin characters right after... Anyways, as a birthday surprise from me to you, my loyal and patient followers, I have some announcements to make! First order of business, no, I have not given up writing Infernal Desire. I am simply holding off writing for it until In Loving Memory is complete. Second order of business, I have plenty of new ideas in store for new stories, one of which I wish to start after finishing In Loving Memory. How will that work when I already have Infernal Desire still needing to be finished? Uhhhhh we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I'll probably spit out a chapter or two when I get inspiration for it, but my adhd and my need to get past my apiphobia demand that this new story be written! Anyways, this concludes today's meeting, thank you for coming to my TED Talk and thank you for staying for the snacks. Have a great day and an even more fruitful year! :D