
@Dopest_Thug okay okay. I will. But it takes time to think up good ideas for stories, ya know. It takes time. Ideas can't come instantly. They just pop up out of no where. They could even appear in the middle of the night. I'm still thinking about what to write. Okay? But thank you for liking it so much! ^_^


Are you still active or not? It's been like years you haven't continue your kakasaku work. There's so many people including me who like it so please continue it we're so damn curious as of how the story will go on.


To be more acurately your "the heartbroken miracle (kakashi x sakura) work we need the update realllllll soon


Are you ever gonna finish the scare crow Kakasaku story?


@ttylxoxid19 life I'd getting kinda rough for me right now. my mom has a lot of surgeries and my dad literally has only $6 and I just got out of summer school. School is a bitch though. It's making things so worse. So sorry for not updating stuff. I'm about to update my Konoha High School story though if that's anything...sorry again...