
Made a new oneshot story book if y’all want to check it out :p


I like your new profile picture and background showcasing Bot, the silly little goober!


I’ve been thinking about using potential Oc art as my profile but I figured just using my number 1 favorite character of all the OSC is fine enough as is, plus my Oc is pretty much nearly identical to them so yeah, but thanks. These art just look the best for me to use for.


And there goes the Woodrop book too just deleted by Wattpad… |:/


@unexpected_viewer well I hope he releases the backup copy


@27bakepeyt and then I sent the backed up copy to Sheltonxut. It’s not a good time to be a smutshot writer on Wattpad right now, unfortunately. About half of my smutshot library just vanished into thin air, either because the original authors left, or the book was deleted by Wattpad.


@27bakepeyt To answer your question, I managed to backup the OSC smutshot book before it was sent to oblivion.


this message may be offensive
The fact that the character getting the most votes ACTUALLY did the challenge was technically innocent and lost to someone who LITERALLY caused them the fucking challenge makes this honestly the most robbed elimination in history that I ever seen.
          There are others in medias I know like Conner’s elimination in Disventure camp all stars of Teardrop’s eliminations, Bot’s vote off or even Gelatin’s.
          But none I don’t think will even come close to this Bullshit of an elimination.
          (If your caught up with Dream Island Plus S2 you’ll know exactly what I mean)



Seems like an interesting book. I should read it soon! BTW, how are things going with yourself and the archives?


And right as I made the earlier announcement, I guess the nsfw oneshot book has been deleted and I didn’t even attempted to make backups…Great..


@Sheltonxut hope you find a way to bring back your object show nsfw book or something cause I really miss having it on wattpad and it’s my favorite book made by you


Tbh, lately I’ve been lacking a lot of motivation to really write anything. I get that there’s some requests I have yet to do, but after what I went through in my time off on Wattpad I haven’t really been able to find the time with the Motivation to write.
          I apologize for those I have yet to do everyone, and hope you understand. But I think I’ll be taking a pause on writing stories for now till I find the motivation for it again.