
boutta get ma wisdom tooth tooken out


she said


@SheEnvysMe hey she said maybe dude!!


@SheEnvysMe it doesn't mean no unless you asked her on a date. Maybe could be she wants to get to know you better first or isn't ready


Okay so let me start off by saying I’ve never met this person before in my life I’m a complete stranger to them. However over the last couple of days I’ve been speaking in the chat with them and I’m beginning to realize some things. They have such a big heart and such a caring soul their heart is more pure than gold and they’re love knows no bounds their sense of humor is unparalleled and snarky which I love. Take some time and spread the love like they have to me because unlike a lot of people in this world this person cares and is nice and has a heart anyways I say all that to say thanks for taking the time to chat with me I’ve enjoyed it so much and it’s been very healing for me it’s given me hope that there are still kind people in the world I don’t even know you but I want to I want to be able to find someone like you who intrigues me and makes me wanna look deeper and laugh like you do. You’re an amazing person with an amazing heart and soul the world is gonna be a better place cause you’re in it and you’re spreading love that is real. Thanks for the positive messages on some of the worst days of my life recently thanks for giving me something to look forward to on days when I had no one to turn to you’re amazing kid keep loving like you do cause I’m only one person you’ve touched and impacted and there will be countless others as well thanks for being a blessing from afar I’ll love you until one day we may get to meet until then feel free to chat anytime cause I’m here to listen!!


I’m here whenever you want to talk 


Friends it is 