
Just wanted to say that your writing is amazing and I'm in love with it right now! I really admire your work and your creative plots! Please continue to write. I understand that school gets in the way a lot too because we are close to the same age so just update when you are free:) Sorry, I'm just totally fangirling over you kaisoo story! 


@stargazer1047 Awww thanks so much❤


hi chingu ~please update "A taste'of love " .I really likeit.i am from Myanmar & i write fic .I like anime and kpop like you ^^.and please support my eng fic.90°bow fighting


@exolvenus Hyeee~I'm busy with my exams now but I'll update my story as soon as possible!(aka when im free)^^ ..And yeah!I'll read your story when I have the time ❤