
I'm back.


Hello @ShaolinMaster, I am looking for some Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny  fans so that when I post my story I will actually have some one to read it! XD


You know positive thoughts and laughter are proven to extend life expectancy and happiness. Seen some people talking like the worlds ending. Yeah I get it stress and rude people are roadblocks especially if you have no way to escape but there's ways around it. Look for the humor and focus on the positivity. Maybe find someone at school or work who's feeling bad too. Cheer em up and you'll feel better yourself. Life is what YOU make it not what other people say it is.


The state I live in is weird. We got a tornado and then that morning it was freaking snowing. Whoever is controlling the weather machine needs to calm it down a bit. XD. I hate that it's too cold to catch Pokemon at the park.


@KawaiiChild_04 I’m not a total wimp I did take the trash out barefoot. Ice hurt a bit but it wasn’t that bad.


@KawaiiChild_04 yeah. I’ll do that. I need the gloves I usually wear fixed up. It’s unfair to ask my mom she has to work so much already I’ll try doing it myself.


@ShaolinMaster i mean i rather duct tape then sandals on ice


yay I did something good yesterday. Went to Texas Roadhouse for sis birthday and a little twit was throwing peanut shells at my mum. His parents were not paying attention at all. Normally I would have strangled the little twat in front of his douche bag parents but I settled for a nice intimidating stare. He didn't give us any trouble after that (-;