
My retelling of the Cinderella fairy tale, THE CINDER FROM THE ASH, is now available via Amazon for Kindle. .99 cents!! 


Hey, everyone. I've completed edits on The Cinder from the Ash (finally!) and will start uploading her new chapters this weekend. 
          I will also be updating 'One Foot in the Grave' to 'Infectious, Not' in the next couple of weeks. 
          Both books will have brand new gorgeous covers, too!


I'm not very good at keeping up on this account, so stuff has been happening. 
          I'm in process of editing Cinder (hopefully for the last time!), but since it's not complete, and Nanowrimo is starting, I'm not uploading it yet. 
          I've since revised and republished One Foot in the Grave as 'Infectious, Not' (via Amazon) with a brand new cover and new content. 
          I'll be working on 'Furocious, Not' in November (set in the same universe as 'Infectious', but following the story of Albin, the half-werewolf. 
          Thank you for bearing with me as I navigate Wattpad, life, and the universe.


Due to unforeseen circumstances (yet again!) my writing has been put on 'hold' temporarily. In other words...I sprained a muscle in my back and am on limited movement, muscle relaxers, and painkillers. Which translates to not much time on the computer. Which means no words. For now. 
          I'm still plotting and thinking about how to make Cinder better, however. So that's something :)


Hey, everyone! I just put my first ever novel, Maid of Sherwood, up in full. Although there aren't any zombies in this one, it is a twist on the Robin Hood legend with Maid Marian as the main character...and a few ghosts thrown in for good measure ;)